Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ category


August 29, 2016

Scientists have unearthed bones of a previously unknown dinosaur. This dinosaur was a large meat eater with unusually short arms and extremely small front feet. It’s rump was huuuge, and it emitted enormous quantities of dino dung. Scientists have named it Tyrannosaurus-Rump, or T-Rump. It’s skin was orange, and it’s mouth was a weird O-shape, like a ’59 Edsel. It is known to have hated darker skinned dinos as well as female dinosaurs. Scientists cannot figure out how this bizarre creature was able to reproduce.
This big reptile bullied smaller dinosaurs, and because of its behavior, it was generally shunned. However, the evidence shows it was blindly followed by less intelligent dinosaurs who were unable to think for themselves. This newly discovered dinosaur did not hunt, but instead, it survived by stealing meat from other dinosaurs.
T-Rump’s influence was short-lived, and once it passed from the dinosaur scene, it was not missed. Sic semper Tyrannosaurus Rump.

Trump sized

August 3, 2016

Watch “Scott Walker’s Trickle Down Experiment Is Crippling Wisconsin Economy” on YouTube

July 24, 2016

Andrew Sullivan Liveblogs the RNC, Night 4

July 22, 2016

At last agreement fear leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

OMG Sums up Republican Convention 

July 20, 2016

Four Boxes Sums Up GOP Convention –

Shared from WordPress

July 20, 2016

Senator Ron Johnson, Worried About His Election, Reverses Course And Speaks At GOP Convention –

Watch “History Lesson: Trump’s Rise Might Signal the Collapse of the Republican Party, with Sean Wilentz” on YouTube

June 12, 2016

Watch “History Lesson: Trump’s Rise Might Signal the Collapse of the Republican Party, with Sean Wilentz” on YouTube

June 12, 2016


May 16, 2016

So, I guess this is how things went down in Nevada (from the comments of the original post):
“How things went down in Nevada after 14 hours:

1. Have a secret meeting to change the convention rules at the last minute to favour one candidate and give the chair unlimited power without appeal

2. “Pass” the rules even though you don’t have a quorum.

3. At the convention make a motion to make those permanent and use the rules to blatantly override the voice vote with no division of the house and no appeal.

4. Use those rules to push through any motion you want while openly ignoring legitimate motions and petitions from the floor.

5. When you discover you’ve still lost the convention by over 30 delegates disqualify 64 delegates and declare your candidate the winner.

6. Once again use your specially created rules to ram through a motion to accept the count ignoring the no vote from the floor.

7. Ignore motions from the floor to remove the chair. Send the chair up to rapidly “pass” several items of business ignoring an overwhelming no vote.

8. Adjourn the meeting with no motion or vote.

9. Here’s your police escort out!

Way to not even hide the corruption NevDems!”

#Bernieorbust #NeverHillary

The Fight From Tyranny

May 11, 2016

Fascism had, in some measure, an ideology and occasional coherence that Trump utterly lacks. – Andrew  Sullivan

In the fight for self determination, a hall mark of our very American way of life, a water shed has been reached. The American right now find themselves the vanguard of a struggle that will consume the American people. This is no false flag but a serious call to march for freedom. Over the years as as bloggers and as men, Andrew Sullivan and I have had our disagreements. He article cuts to the very heart of what we risk as a people under Trump. This is no mere attack from a disgruntled faction of the GOP. It points with great humility the hubris of unleashed money in American politics. Absolute power and unlimited money corrupts absolutely. With stoking the fires of hate and giving weight of legitimacy to one religion over others has wrought a monster. By forsaking the secular roots of our foundation, we now face an enemy that could unite us or perish the great experiment of government.
